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[추천채용] 존슨앤드존슨 HCC Specialist 추천채용(~5/30(목) 까지)

create 윤효섭access_time 2024.05.24 13:55visibility 358

 *추천을 원하시는 학생은 취업진로지원센터 추천채용 메일(로 입사지원서와 함께 성적증명서,  개인정보 제공 및 활용 동의서에 서명 후 제출해주시기 바랍니다 (~5/30(목) 까지)

*존슨앤드존슨 추천채용을 신청하시는 분들께서는 존슨앤드존슨 홈페이지와 홍익대 추천채용메일(에 이력서 및 자기소개서를 모두 제출해주셔야 합니다. (추천채용 메일에는 성적증명서, 개인정보 제공 및 활용 동의서 추가) 


접속 -> Position Number 2406170959W 검색 -> 해당모집공고의 “Apply Now” 클릭온라인지원프로세스진행




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Johnson & Johnson is the world's most comprehensive and broadly based healthcare Company, touching the lives of nearly a billion people every day. Our Family of Companies throughout the world compete in consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical devices and diagnostics markets and have the skills and resources to tackle the world's most pressing health issues.




1. 포지션: HCC Specialist(Health Care Compliance Specialist)

2. 계열사한국얀센(Janssen)

3. 근무지서울시용산구

4. 근무형태계약직 (Fixed term contract)



[Position Summary] 

Implements the Health Care Compliance (HCC) program locally under the supervision of the Health Care Compliance Officer of Janssen Korea to ensure business practices and activities comply with related J&J internal guidelines, local laws and regulations, and anti-corruption laws including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  Implement the transparency reporting process and monitoring program to ensure the Janssen Korea complies with local obligations and Janssen Korea compliance program is operating effectively.




The position will ensure that the HCC program effectively prevents and/or detects violations of law, regulations, policies, or the Code of Conduct in respective partnering franchises and/or departments. The main work scope is stated as below but not limited to:


1)   Have oversight of the transparency report process in collaboration with the regional HCC team and the business. 

2)   Participate company's HCC monitoring program to ensure that the activities done by the business are compliant with the internal policies and procedures.

3)    Conduct the review of the Due Diligence of third-party intermediaries in compliance with the due diligence process and conduct the training for the Due Diligence system (i.e., FIRST) to the covered business

4)    Conduct the preliminary review of the business requests

5)    Tailor the HCC announcement to fit into the needs and business context of the covered department. 

6)   Ensure business activities with HCPs/government officials are planned in consistent with applicable HCC policies and procedures by reviewing those activities.

7)   Ensure that HCC activities are accurately and completely documented in the regional or global system

8)   Ensure business activities with HCPs are accurately and completely reported to the industry association in accordance with the industry code.  

9)   Ad-hoc project





1) BA/BS degree is mandatory

2) 0 ~ 5 year of experience and/or knowledge of FCPA and related laws, regulations and industry codes in the healthcare industry is desirable

3) Breadth of experience in all areas of Accounting or finance /Testing and monitoring/Training/ Compliance and regulation/Devising and implementing SOPs

4) Independent and objective thinker, able to advance ideas and influence others

5) Demonstrate strong organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills

6) Manages conflicts in an open and constructive manner

7) Strong drive for results and solution-orientated

8) Fluent in English (reading, writing, verbal)

9) High level of integrity with good ethical core values