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자신과 환경을 긍정적인 방향으로 서로 변화시켜가는 과정입니다.

[넷플릭스코리아] Coordinator 채용

create 최미소access_time 2023.11.24 13:26visibility 464



190여 개국에서 1 8,300만 개의 유료 멤버십을 보유한 세계적인 엔터테인먼트 스트리밍 서비스를 제공합니다회원들은 TV 시리즈다큐멘터리장편영화 등 다양한 장르의 콘텐츠를 인터넷에 연결되어 있으면 언제 어디서나 무제한으로 즐길 수 있습니다.


The Opportunity

The Product Creative Studio team partners with content creators and distributors to define and develop the strategy for how their content is creatively represented on Netflix tomembers around the world. Our purpose is to create joy for our members by helping them discover stories theyll love - and we do this by marrying entertainment and visual storytelling with data and innovation to develop creative (artwork and video) for touch points across the Netflix experience.


The Coordinator role to the Product Creative Strategy team is a critical one that supports creative delivery for creative assets on the Netflix product. You will work hand-in-hand with our Product Creative Studio Korea team, internal cross functional teams and external agencies to help support the development of ground-breaking creative for seamless launches on a global scale.


The Role

This role reports to the Product Discovery & Promotion Korea Director, focusing on title slates acquired by or originating from the Korea Content team, and works closely with Producers on the Product Creative Studio Korea team across titles.



- Working with internal and external stakeholders to source required information, research and investigate details required for information access, and traffic information to internal and external stakeholders.

- Manage and coordinate delivery of materials to internal creative team members and/or external creative agencies to ensure effective kickoff of all creative development.

- Gather relevant links and files of delivered assets and update trackers/decks.

- Have a strong understanding of Adobe Creative Suite to be able to open files and check accuracy and delivery to spec of files from internal and external stakeholders.

- Responsible for the timely & successful delivery of assigned tasks.



- Project management experience in a creative production environment for digital artwork and video assets.

- Working knowledge of video assets post production elements and terminology.

- Exemplary organizational skills with a disciplined approach to project management.

- Strong eye for creative detail.

- Experience using a Digital Asset Management system or similar tools to propagate and track assets through an operational workflow.

- Proactive, fast, and flexible problem-solver with superb time, resource, and stakeholder management.

- Professional proficiency in English and Korean required

- Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and Gmail

- Proficiency in project management tools such as Airtable and will be a bonus but not required


※ 취업보호 대상자(국가보훈대상자 등)는 관련 법령에 따라 우대

※ 해외여행 결격사유가 없는 자 (남자는 병역필 또는 면제자)



계약기간: 1 (연장 가능성 有)

고용형태맨파워그룹코리아 소속 파견계약직

급여조건신입의 경우 회사 내규에 따름경력 협의

근무위치서울 종로구 우정국로 26, A


근무시간: 09:00 ~ 18:00 ( 8시간 근무

복리후생구내식당 무료사내카페 무료, 4대 보험연차연차수당제휴 호텔 할인화상영어 제휴 할인생일/명절 선물경조 휴가/경조금우수사원 시상 등 



서류 지원 -> 맨파워 상담 -> 지원 기업 서류 전형 -> 지원 기업 면접 전형 -> 최종 합격 

※ 전형 절차는 채용 건 별로 차이가 있을 수 있습니다


[지원서류 및 지원방법]

국문영문 이력서 제출 (MS Word 양식)

맨파워코리아 채용관 간편 접수

서류 마감일우수 인재 채용 시 마감 (ASAP 채용 건이므로 빠른 지원 부탁드립니다.)