- 2024년 10월 28일 (월) 09:00 ~ 11월 11일 (월)
- 기졸업자 및 '25년 2월 졸업예정자 중 국내대학 학위를 소지 또는 취득예정인 외국인 유학생
- 한국어 능력시험(TOPIK) 4~6급 소지자 또는 그에 해당하는 한국어 구사 능력이 있으신 분
- 인턴십 활동을 위한 체류자격(D-2) 보유 및 추후 E-7 체류자격 발급게 결격사유가 없는 분
지원방법 (온라인 지원)
- Global 외국인 유학생 인턴십 지원 링크 -> https://bit.ly/40op0Hg
- 영어 번역 채용 공고 -> https://bit.ly/4fkzA61
전형단계 안내
- 서류접수 > 필기전형 > 1차면접 > 인턴십(최종면접 포함) + 인성검사 > 최종합격
- 서류합격자 대상 코딩테스트가 실시됩니다. (Python, JAVA, C, C#, C++ 中 택 1)
※ 한국어/영어 선택 가능
- '25년 1/2(목) ~ 2/28(금), 총 8주 간 진행되며, 인턴십 마지막 주 최종면접 진행 예정입니다.
- 1차 면접 이후 인턴십 참여자에 한하여, LG그룹 인성 검사가 실시됩니다. 인턴십 수행 중 함께 진행됩니다.
- 영어 공인어학성적 미보유자도 지원이 가능합니다.
- 인턴십 마지막 주에 최종 면접이 실시되며, 합격한 인원은 개인별 졸업 시점에 맞추어 입사 일정을 개별 협의합니다.
- 전형일정 및 시기는 전형 진행 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
2025 LG CNS Global Internship for International Students
(Internship with Opportunity for Full-Time Return Offer)
Hiring Position
DX Engineer (Front-end / Back-end Engineer)
: DX Engineers leverage their experiences working on projects in various industries and new IT technologies to provide customized services to clients,
while also enhancing the value of clients' businesses. This role will be responsible for a wide range of global IT projects, such as developing, operating,
and maintaining the quality of LG CNS's solutions and R&D application, while facilitating technical communication between teams in Korea and abroad, ensuring IT requests are understood and delivered effectively.
- International students, who have graduated or are expected to graduate by February 2025, with a bachelor's degree or above from a Korean university.
- Those with TOPIK level 4~6 or have equivalent Korean language proficiency.
- D-2 visa holders (or visa that permits part-time work) and those without any reasons to be denied from being issued an E-7 visa in the future.
Recruitment process
- Application > Coding test > 1st interview > Internship (Final interview conducted during internship period) + Personality assessment > Final job offer
- A coding test will be conducted for those that pass the application screening stage (Applicants may choose to conduct the coding test from the following: Python, JAVA, C, C# and C++).
※ Applicants may choose to conduct the test in Korean or English.
- The internship period is from Jan. 2, 2025 to Feb. 28, 2025 (8 weeks), with a final interview held during the last week of the internship.
- Interns will be directed to take the LG Group personality assessment, conducted during the internship period.
- Those without English language certifications may also apply.- Employment Commencement (for those that receive full-time return offer)
: Date of employment will be decided accordingly, depending on the individual's graduation period.
- Please note that the recruitment process and timeline may be subject to change depending on circumstances.
How to apply
- Click the 1:1 inquiry option via the LG Careers website chatbot → Choose "LG CNS" and send in inquiry