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[공개채용] [넷플릭스엔터테인먼트] Legal Assistant Korea 채용

create 김미정access_time 2024.12.05 10:13visibility 69

[모집분야  업무내용]

Legal Assistant, Korea
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

- Contract administration, including contract execution, filing, and database management

- Under the supervision of a legal coordinator, analyzing and interpreting English-language agreements to set up distribution windows and other rights attributes in our rights management system.

- Coordinating collection and dissemination of a large volume of contracts on content productions and licensing

- Creating, updating, and tracking spreadsheets with deal terms, options, and credits

- Managing, maintaining, and updating templates and forms as well as various dashboards and document management systems

- BA/BS required

- More than 6 months of experience at a global company (Contract management experience is a plus)

- Experience with handling English-language contracts

- High level of organization, detail orientation, and ability to manage across multiple deadlines - in a very fast-paced environment

- Proficiency in tools like Google Suite and Airtable, along with a good understanding of data navigation

- Fluency in Korean and proficiency in reading English (영문 Reading 능숙해야 하며, Speaking 필요치 않습니다.)


계약기간: 7개월

고용형태맨파워그룹코리아 소속 파견계약직
급여조건업계 최고 대우 
근무위치서울특별시 종로구 종각역 인근 


근무시간 8시간

복리후생구내식당사내 카페간식 제공, 4 보험연차연차수당제휴 호텔 할인화상영어 제휴 할인생일/명절 선물경조 휴가/경조금우수사원 시상  



서류 전형 -> 면접 전형(1-2-> 최종 합격 


영문 이력서와 커버레터


홈페이지 지원
