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[기간연장/대학혁신지원] 2021 외국인 유학생(신입생) 온라인 심리검사

create 김하은access_time 2021.08.05 08:56visibility 887


2021 외국인 유학생 온라인 심리검사


2021학년도 1학기에 입학한 유학생(신입생)을 대상으로 온라인 심리검사를 진행합니다중국어영어베트남어 중 원하는 언어를 선택해서 나의 심리적 건강 상태, 적응 상태를 체크해보세요!


기간 : 7/5 ~ 8/8 (* 기간연장)

대상 : 2021학년도 1학기에 입학한 외국인 유학생

검사 종류 FCPI : Foreign College student Psychological Inventory

검사실시 참여 대상 학생에게 개별 문자 발송

문의 학생상담센터(, 02-320-1379)

검사 실시 후 결과를 바로 확인할 수 있습니다.




2021 Online Psychological Testing for Foreign students(freshmen)


Greetings from Hoing Ik Student Counseling Center.

We’re providing 2021 Spring semester freshmen (only foreign students) with Online psychological testing services by Chinese, English, and Vietnamese.

We hope many foreign students have an opportunity for psychological health check-ups.

Period : until 8/8

- Applicants: 2021 Spring semester freshmen (only foreign students) in Hong Ik University.

- Type of psychological test : FCPI (Foreign College student Psychological Inventory)

- Application procedures: An email application -> Receive the mobile text message

*You can see the test result as soon as you finish a test.


2021 外国人留学生在线心理测试







测试种类FCPI : Foreign College student Psychological Inventory


咨询学生咨询中心(, 02-320-1379)
