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Office of International Affairs 홍익대학교 국제협력본부

국제학생지원실 공지사항


방학기간동안 진행하는 실리콘밸리 잡콘서트(구글,메타,AMD,EA,월마트)를 안내드리오니 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.

#2023.08.23.()- 08.25.(), 3일간진행

외국계기업 및 해외 취업을 희망하는 재학생, 휴학생, 기졸업생등 누구나!

실리콘밸리 현직멘토에게 직접 듣는 "진짜"  취업·직무스토리 

  구글(UX Designer), 메타(Product Lead), AMD(Machine Learning Engineer), EA(Marketing/Growth Manager), 월마트(Product Designer) 현직자초청강연

비대면 진행

참여 학생에게는 추첨을 통해 스타벅스 커피 쿠폰(20) 제공!!

# 사전신청하기(선착순) :


暑假期间进行的硅谷Job Concert(谷歌、MetaAMDEA、沃尔),请同学们关注一下

# 活动日期:2023.08.23.(周三)-08.25.(周五),

# 希望在海外及外企就业的在校生、休生、毕业生都可以参加。

# 座:邀请硅谷公司在职工作人员听他们的就业岗位故事。(UX Designer)Meta(Product Lead)AMD(Machine Learning Engineer)EA(Marketing/Growth Manager)、沃尔(Product Designer)

# 非面

# 参与者提供星巴克咖啡优惠券(20名!)

# 申请参加(先报先得):


During the vacation period, we are holding the Silicon Valley Job Concert *job fair (Google, Meta, AMD, EA, Walmart). We kindly invite all interested students to participate.

# Dates: August 23rd (Wed) to August 25th (Fri), a 3-day event

# Open to current students, students, and graduates interested in foreign companies and overseas employment!

# you can hear what "real" employment is like and related stories directly from Silicon Valley professionals:

 - Google (UX Designer), Meta (Product Lead), AMD (Machine Learning Engineer), EA (Marketing/Growth Manager), Walmart (Product Designer)

# Conducted online

# Participating students will have a chance to win Starbucks coffee coupons (20 participants at random)!

# Pre-registration is required (first-come, first-served basis): 

[Link to apply]