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Office of International Affairs 홍익대학교 국제협력본부

국제학생지원실 공지사항


2024. 9월 학기 외국인 유학생 비자 발급 관련 안내


1. 첨부된안내문(한글중문영문)반드시확인해주세요.

2. 표준입학허가서신청기간 : 2024.05.31.() ~ 2024.06.28.()

★ 주의안내문에 대한 이해 및 해석은 최종 한글 안내문에 기반합니다.

★ 해외체류중이며 9월 학기 복학가능한 기준학생은 별도 안내 예정입니다.

★ 늦어도 2024.9.2.()까지 한국에 입국하셔야 합니다.



1. 请阅读附件中的办签指南(pdf文件)(提供文、中文、英文版本)

2. 请标准入学许2024.05.31.(五) ~ 2024.06.28.(五)





Dear all,

1. Please check the guideline for D2 visa application (attached file) (Korean, Chinese, English ver. offerd)

2. Application period of certificate of admission 2024.05.31.(Fri) ~ 2024.06.28.(Fri)

Please note English guideline is for reference only. The document is interpreted based on the Korean Guideline.

Standard C students who are staying overseas and can return to school in March will be notified separately.

Must enter Korea by September 2(Mon), 2024 at the latest.