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Hongik University Office of International Affairs

2nd course request remind(~ 16:00 3/8)

create 이지예access_time 2022.03.03 14:45visibility 1142

1. 2ndcourse request form (by 16:00 8thMarch)


This is the Google form for 2ndcourse request form, the 1stGoogle form is closed.


During course correction period(3/2~3/8),

make your timetable finally and submit this Google form.


If you enter the form, you can see the question asked for your email address.

Please write your email address that you can check right after.

Via this email address, your Google form answer will be forwarded and you can find another Google form link to correct your answer.


1) Fill this blank with your email address


2) Via this email address, you can get your survey answer and another Google link to correct it.


2. How to correct my course?


Most students need to correct their course because there are schedule overlaps and courses which needed to ask professor’s permission to register.


Must check your 1stcourse registration and course you need to correct as attached file.


Search this by your Students ID and Check what course you must correct


Correction Case #1. If there is a schedule overlaps

If there is schedule overlaps, please correct it.


For instance, If you want to take A course which is on Tuesday 456.

you can't take other courses whose time includes Tuesday 4 or Tuesday 5 or Tuesday 6.


Time: 1(09:00~09:50), 2(10:00~10:50), 3(11:00~11:50), 4(12:00~12:50), 5(13:00~13:50), 6(14:00~14:50), 7(15:00~15:50), 8(16:00~16:50), 9(17:00~17:50), 10(18:00~18:50)


The day and time can not be overlapped.

If you make it overlap, OIA can't make your course registration.


So Please take a look at your course registration again.

and correct your course if there are overlaps.


Correction Case #2. If you have to ask professor’s permission to register


If there is courses you have to ask professor’s permission to register.

Please follow the process as below.


First, check the professor’s email address in the syllabus.

and search in-charge-of department address to this link.


and contact them by email.


If they accept you to register the course, please forward this mail to OIA to prove. After getting a permission, OIA can register student to the course.


If you have problem to find email address or department’s address.

Let OIA know.


If there are no answer to your email or you can not contact with them,

visit the professor or department’s office in course correction period(3/2~3/8)


In correction period, you can visit and ask them in person.


We highly recommend you to visit department’s office with your buddy just in case they are not fluent in English.


And If they accept you to register the course, ask professor or department’s office to write a ‘permission for course correction’ form as attached and submit it ot OIA by email.


After getting a permission, OIA can register student to the course.


After correction, submit the 2ndcourse request form to OIA by 16:00 8thMarch.

If you don’t submit it, OIA can’t register your course.


and check your classnet to double check.



3. I can’t see the IDAS course in my classnet.


OIA will register the IDAS course during the course correction period(3/2~3/8) by turns.

There needs some administration process to register IDAS courses.

Hope you understand.


4. I'm graduated students, and I can't see my whole course in my classnet.


OIA will register the course for the graduated students during the course correction period(3/2~3/8) by turns.


There needs some administration process to register IDAS courses.

Hope you understand.