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Hongik University Office of International Affairs

Add a Hongik OIA Kakaotalk channel

create 이길영access_time 2021.12.21 14:10visibility 2186


Hongik OIA is using KakaoTalk channel to announce main notice(academic schedule, course registeration, Alien registeration, etc).

and If student have any questions, they can chat a message using this. 

It is mandatory to make KakaoTalk ID(mainly used social chat in Korea) for all exchange/visiting students.

Almost every Korean students use KakaoTalk, it will be more comfortable to use KakaoTalk in your campus life.

Make sure make KakaoTalk Id and add 'Hongik OIA' channel.

- KakaoTalk channel (Please add a channel in your Kakaotalk ID)

1) Channel ID: Hongik OIA

2) Channel Url:


- KakaoTalk application download

1) ios version Kakaotalk download:

2) Android version Kakaotalk download:  


- How to add KakoTalk open channel

※ Please refer to the attached file