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Hongik University Office of International Affairs

★ Notification for exchange/visiting students in spring 2022 ★

create 이지예access_time 2021.12.24 14:39visibility 2121


Warmest greetings from Hongik University, Seoul, Korea.


The Office of International Affairs (OIA), Hongik University is delighted to announce few notifications to all exchange/visiting students for spring 2022.


Before you come to Hongik, you need to check several things. Please take your time and read the following notes carefully.


OIA is not responsible for the problems caused by your failure not to read the information below.


OIA Contact information

- Email

1) Students from North America, Asia, Brazil & Visiting students regardless of country:

2) Students from Europe, Mexico, Russia, Israel and others:


- KakaoTalk channel (Please add a channel with your Kakao ID)

1) Channel ID: Hongik OIA

2) Channel Url:

What is KakaoTalk? and How to add a KakaoTalk?

You can make inquiry by chatting in KakaoTalk



(2) Application for Hongik University Dormitory

(3) Guide for International Students Subscribing to National Health Insurance

(4) Mandatory Self-Quarantine Instruction

(4-1) Submission of negative PCR certificate FAQ

(4-2) COVID-19 quarantine hospitalization treatment expenses support



refer to Certificate of Business Registration (attached #1)


For your VISA application, contact the Embassy of Republic of Korea in your country with the attached Certificate of Admission(chech your email) and Certificate of Business Registration (attached #1). Please make sure that you apply for a D-2-6 VISA (exchange students) or D-2-8 VISA(visiting studetnsand receive it prior to your departure. You must arrive in Korea with your D-2-6 VISA (exchange students)or D-2-8 VISA(visiting studetnsin order to study as an exchange/visiting student at Hongik.

If your final VISA is not D-2-6 VISA (exchange students) or D-2-8 VISA(visiting studetns),  please let us know as soon as possible.


2. Passport

Please make sure that your current passport is valid throughout your stay in Korea. If you have a passport with a short period of validity, you must have it reissued and inform OIA with the updated passport information as soon as possible. Your Certificate of Admission must contain your valid passport information, so please double check and prepare to have a valid passport prior to your VISA application.


3. Arrival Information Form

please enter the google survey link and complete the arrival information form.

All students must complete this form before arrival.


4 Academic Schedule

- Schedule overview

Arrival date deadline


※   Make your arrival date considering your self-quarantine schedule. All foreigner must do self-quarantine for 10 nights/11 days.


     exchange/visiting students are strongly recommended to arrive in Korea at least 11 days prior to 2 March(course start date).

Until 2.13(Mon)

Dormitory opening date

2.26(Sat) in between 09:00 ~ 21:00

Spring 2022 course start date


Spring 2022 course close date


- Course register Schedule

Checking English course list and syllabus

Mid January

Course pre-selection period (1)

2.4(Fri) 09:00 ~ 2.7(Mon) 17:00

Simulation for course registration

2.8(Tue) 10:00 ~ 12:00

Course pre-selection period (2)

2.15(Tue) 09:00 ~ 2.21(Mon) 17:00

Course registration

2.24(Thu) 14:00 ~ 17:00

2.25(Fri) 09:00 ~ 2.28(Mon) 17:00

Correction period for course registration

3.2(Wed) 09:00 ~ 3.8(Tue) 17:00

Correction period for closed course

3.11(Fri) 15:00 ~ 3.14(Mon) 17:00


5 On-Campus Housing

refer to Application for Hongik University Dormitory(attached #2)


If you like to apply to live in dormitory, please complete the Application for Hongik University Dormitory(attached #3) and give it to OIA by email until 1.6(Thu)

Upon your request, Hongik Dormitory Administration will assign you a room (Dormitory ) for Spring 2022. 

Hongik Dormitory is available from 2.26(Sat) to 6.25(Sat), 2022. The cost for Hongik Dormitory will be around KRW 1,300,000/semester (subject to change).


6 Course Registration

Exchange/visiting students will get to complete their course registration in between 4thweek of February and 1stweek of March. Regarding the course registration for Spring 2022, 

OIA will provide you with more detailed information, including how to do course registration, the list of courses taught in English, in mid January.


6. Personal Buddy Program

Foreign exchange/visiting student gets a chance to be matched with a personal (1:1) Buddy. Buddy is a Hongik University student (Korean) who can help you with things such as banking, opening a mobile phone, course registration, and other activities in need throughout your stay in Korea. OIA will match you with a Buddy by end of January. If you do not wish to be matched with a personal Buddy, please let us know in advance.


7. Student Orientation

Student Orientation for spring 2022 will be replaced with a Student Guidebook in order to abstain from people gathering. The Student Guidebook will provide you with detailed information about academic schedule, course registration, grade verification, student life, and many more. OIA will be able to provide you with the Student Guidebook in end of January.


8. Mandatory Subscription to Korean National Health Insurance


refer to Guide for International Students Subscribing to National Health Insurance(attached #3)


All foreign students staying in Korea with D-2 Visas (either D-2-6 or D-2-8) must subscribe to the Korean National Health Insurance (KNHI).


             1) Foreign students with D-2 Visas are automatically subscribed to KNHI from the date of his/her Alien Registration 

                     (no action is required from a student for the subscription), and are automatically withdrawn from KNHI on the date of his/her departure. 

                     An Insurance Card and Subscription Guide will be sent to the student’s residential address(the address you enroll in your alien registration card).

 ※ Process for Alien Registration will be informed to you through Student Guidebook later on. Normally, early to mid April becomes the date of Alien Registration.

2) With KNHI, you will receive the same benefits as the Korean citizens; which is mostly about 20-30% of the total medical treatment costs 

    that used to be charged to foreign students without this insurance.

 ※ Discount rates vary by medical institution type and area, and can be inapplicable to non-covered items; such as treatment for plastic surgery.

3) KNHI’s monthly contributions for foreign students was around KRW39,540 in Spring 2022, and the cost may be similar to this amount in Fall 2022 as well. 

       After your alien registration, you need to pay every month.

     You can take out additional foreigner insurance. However, please note that the money will be paid double with Korean insurance. 

     Also, the payment paper will deliver to the student's residential address(the address you enroll in your alien registration card)every month.

Foreign policy allows Japanese and French students to apply for exclusion from Korean National Health Insurance. 

    The relevant information will be sent to the students in April.

 Please make sure that you will be automatically subscribed to KNHI from mid April (subject to change according to your Alien Registration date) 

     to the day you leave Korea.


9. Mandatory Self-Quarantine Instruction

refer to Mandatory Self-Quarantine Instruction(attached #4), Submission of negative PCR certificate FAQ(attached #4-1), COVID-19 quarantine hospitalization treatment expenses support(attached #4-2)


please refer the attachment. and make sure follow all the rules for self-quarantine. 


OIA very much appreciate your cooperation.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.


We are looking forward to meet you all.


Kind regards,